Messe, Event, Ausstellung & Leitsystem

Fair and Event — Exhibition and Signage System

Art Directors Club



Based in Berlin, the Art Directors Club has for 45 years now seen itself as a source of inspiration for the communication sector, and in an annual competition honors the best creative works. Together with Voss + Fischer and Franken Architekten, hauser lacour delivered the exhibition concept for the award-winning designs in 2011 and 2012 in Frankfurt.

Layout Structuring 

“Enforcing Ideas” and “Ideas are Tomorrow’s Money” were the leitmotifs for the ADC Festivals in 2011 and 2012, which included a prize-giving ceremony, presentation of the works, and a congress. The brief for the 11,000-square meter exhibition of creative designs, the world’s largest, was to develop a concept that also transported the theme that year to the exhibition space. The exhibition comprised the main competition, which is divided into eight sections, and the young designers’ competition, with the categories Semester, Degree, and Practice-related Works.

Messe, Event, Ausstellung & Leitsystem

An exhibition that is rich in contrast

A clear exhibition concept enabled hauser lacour to structure the trade fair hall and at the same time provide orientation. Four-meter-high black and white partitions with large lettering one the one hand guided visitors through the various competition categories, and on the other served as presentation space for striking quotations, which visualized the event’s overarching theme. Well-known representatives of the various design disciplines made statements and promoted the potential of creative ideas.

Messe, Event, Ausstellung & Leitsystem

Typography as a spatial element 

hauser lacour used typography not only for the guidance system and as part of the corporate design, but also as an expansive stylistic device that brought it to life. The Futura font is large-format and there is a severe break when the words run beyond the presentation surface. The use of typography over large areas and the richly contrasting corporate design colors give the ADC a self-confident image.

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Art Directors Club